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Industry News

The application of laser technology in aerospace

            With the large-scale development of aerospace, the application of laser technology shows its strength!

The aerospace industry is a strategic leading industry. It is a concentrated expression and important symbol of the country's comprehensive national strength, and a strategic field to promote national defense construction, scientific and technological

 innovation, and economic and social development. Its progressiveness represents a country's scientific and technological strength.

Business Research data shows that the market value of the global aerospace industry will be 298.01 billion dollars in 2020 and 327.96 billion dollars in 2021. In general, the global aerospace market has shown a downward trend, with a compound growth rate (CAGR) of - 0.3% since 2015. The aerospace industry in developing countries has developed rapidly, and China's aerospace industry is the fastest growing country in the global aerospace industry. According to the data of Business Wire, China's aerospace industry has reached a scale of more than 100 billion US dollars.

The scale development of the domestic aerospace industry drives the further expansion of the demand for intelligent manufacturing in this field and the improvement of the overall manufacturing capacity. Made in China 2025 proposes to accelerate the intelligent transformation of production equipment in aerospace, shipbuilding and other industries. The high requirement of product quality makes more enterprises prefer to choose a new processing method - laser application, which is characterized by high speed, high efficiency, safety and stability.

With the development of China's laser technology, it has become increasingly mature. The advantages of domestic laser technology are prominent. The status quo that key components and technologies in the aerospace field mainly rely on imports has gradually changed. Fiber lasers have a broader application prospect in national defense and aerospace fields such as satellites, rockets and their core components.



Contact: Frank

Phone: 15165021868

Tel: 0531-82802905


Add: NO.34 East of JIEFANG Road, Lixia district,Jinan,china