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Industry News

How to get the perfect effect by laser marking machine

                 How to get the perfect effect by laser marking machine ?

The application of laser marking machine is very popular  such as keyboard keys, logo on household appliances, car keycaps, etc. The operator may often encounter uneven marking effect during processing, which may be caused by the following problems:

First:The machine level is not adjusted properly

The machine table is not level properly, and the galvanometer or field lens is not balanced with the processing table. Because the two are not horizontal, the distance from the laser beam to the processing object after passing through the field mirror will be inconsistent, and then the energy of the laser falling on the processing object will have inconsistent energy density, which will show uneven effects on the material.

Second ,Output laser beam is blocked

The laser output spot is blocked, the spot of the laser beam passing through the galvanometer and field mirror is not round enough, and the laser output head, fixed fixture and galvanometer are not adjusted properly. As a result, part of the spot is blocked when the laser passes through the galvanometer, and the spot on the frequency multiplier after being focused by the field mirror is non-circular, which will also lead to uneven effect.

Third ,Focus distance is not the right one.

Because each focusing mirror has a corresponding depth of focus range, it is easy to use the method of off focus to cause the edge to be at the critical point of depth of focus or beyond the depth of focus range when marking patterns in a large range, which is more likely to cause non-uniformity of the effect.

Fourth ,Reasons for processing materials

Material causes, such as inconsistent film thickness on the surface of the material or changes in physical and chemical properties. The material is sensitive to laser energy reaction, and the film thickness is different, or some other physical and chemical treatment processes are not uniform enough, which will also cause uneven effects after laser laser carving.

In case of abnormal marking, you can check the above reasons to improve the marking effect.



Contact: Frank

Phone: 15165021868

Tel: 0531-82802905


Add: NO.34 East of JIEFANG Road, Lixia district,Jinan,china